إجمالي مرات مشاهدة الصفحة

الأحد، 10 أبريل 2011

In defense of Mubarak

Tahrir activists have claimed that Mubarak had committed many crimes. I will go through these claims one by one and show you that Mubarak is not as bad or horrible as these activists try to paint him.

First accusation: Mubarak blocked freedom of speech. Not correct. Since 1952, no government or president have been attacked by the media as Mubarak and his government were. In one occasion, the impolite Ibrahim Eissa said: “I vomit you,” as a decription of his feelings towards Mubarak in one of his sick articles

Second accusation: Mubarak arrested and tortured people illegally. Not correct. Egyptian parliament enacted the emergency law that allows for the arrest of terrorists and drug dealers without a court order. Americans have a similar law, called patriot act. They enacted this law because they cannot handle terrorists in a very legal way. Egypt did it and do did America but US hypocritical media attacked Mubarak. Did we all forget the so called war on terrorism

Third accusation:  Mubarak stifled political institutions. Not correct. Did you all forget that Baradei was allowed to spread his message about change? Noone stopped, he was touched by the regime.  On the other hand, Ayman Nour said that Mubarak and his son should leave office years before this so called Egyptian revolution. Did you forget what political pundits said about the regime? No one challenged or stopped them.  Egyptian people remained quiet about their political rights for 60 years since the 1952 coup and they did not send a signal that they want to change. Tunisia did it so we imitated it.

Fourth accusation: Mubarak stole billions of dollars. After the shameful ABC and Guardian newspaper claimed that he has billions, they then apologized for the wrong reporting. Let us assume he has a billion dollar. I do not think it is enough for this man. He ruled this country for 30 years, protected from wars, built its infra structure, and build many institutes. Egypt did not collapse as a result of the revolution like Libya and Tunisia.

Fifth accusation : Mubarak said that Egyptians are not fit for democracy. Not correct. But this is the sad truth. The referendum was about religion and the next election will be about islam.

Sixth accusation. Mubarak killed Janauary 25 protesters. Not correct. There were riots every where in the world and during riots people usually die. By the way many of the people who died that day were people who wanted to rob a mall or a jewelry store. Read history books carefully.  In the last few years, victims of riots died in America, France, Brazil and Germany and these are all democratic countries. it is sad that they die but this happens in rioting

At the end I want to share something, Egyptians are so emotional. They were jealous of Tunisia. They imitated this country. Now both Egyptians and Tunisians are miserable. Khosarah ya masr

الجمعة، 1 أبريل 2011

.فضيحتكم كانت بجلاجل النهاردة

النهاردة شباب 25 خساير وقف مع نفسه. مفيش اخوان يساعدوه و باقي الشعب   قرفان من  الثورة و قذارتها
أظن كدة كفاية يا شوية شباب معفنين.فضيحتكم كانت بجلاجل النهاردة . كل الواثقة بتوع تويتر عندي نصيحة ليهم إرجع للكلام والشات والبيضان بتاعكم